
Ocramar Comércio e Exportação de Café Ltda, founded on may 13th, 2020.


Always searching the best coffee, Ocramar aims to reach all necessities of its partners. Headquarter in Santos/SP – commercial point very traditional on the coffee business, alongside the biggest port in Latin America, where the majority of the coffee goes to be exported. Branch in Andradas/MG, state that has the largest production of Arabica coffee in Brazil, reaching all the qualities and demands required in the market, enabling us to act in all areas regard to quality and quantity.

Ocramar has big knowledge in the coffee area, in addition we have consolidated partnerships. We also have employees who have been working in the coffee business for a long time, with good experience in origination for preparing blends and commercializing coffee, thus enabling the company to always meet its demands and new challenges.

At Ocramar, our goal is to guarantee sustainability and confidence in the very moment that we trade with Brazilian producers, until export the coffee to our partners abroad, according to its necessities, assuring the quality of the product as the service required.

Vision: To be a world reference company in the coffee export business, offering quality and unique service characteristics.

Values: To grow in a sustainable and transparent way, that everyone grows together, attributing innovation, collaboration, passion and continuity in the coffee segment. Always adopting standards of excellence in all our businesses, from the quality of the coffee to the service provided.



Semi-washed or Natural

Semi-washed or Natural - 100% Arabica coffee with suppliers from Mogiana, Sul de Minas, Cerrado and Matas de Minas regions. Coffees with intense aromas, sweetness, full-bodied, good acidity and mild, meeting all the needs of the internal and external coffee market.

Coffee is our

Santos and the coffee


In Brazil, the first coffee seedlings were cultivated around 1720, by Francisco de Melo Palheta in Pará. Since then, coffee has been widespread throughout Brazil until it has become the main source of economy. Today coffee is no longer the main source of savings in Brazil, but it is certainly a factor that collaborates in a very big way, after all, coffee is in our lives constantly.

In 1782 the first coffee cultivation was carried out in São Paulo, having its first export through the port of Santos in 1845, with shipment to Germany. In 1867, the “São Paulo Railway” was founded and thus there was a great improvement in transportation, linking the upland Paulista areas to the Baixada Santista and then allowing export at greater speed and volume. At that time, the state coffee came to Santos, being prepared and re-processed for boarding the ships. Around 3 to 4 million bags of coffee were stored in Santos, also allowing blends to be prepared. It is estimated that there were more than 30 general warehouses in Santos, but today due to globalization and acquired facilities, there is no longer this culture of preparing and storing coffee in the region, because the warehouses are close to the production areas, however the Port of Santos is also responsible for around 80% of the total volume exported by Brazil.

In order to understand the strength of coffee in the region, in 1917, Santos gained a division just to take care of coffee exports, after 5 years, the small office became a palace on Rua XV de Novembro, and in 1922 the Bolsa do Café was transferred to this palace, being even considered the Wall Street Santista, due to the great financial movement that was given by the transactions of the well-known Bolsa do Café.

Santos is undoubtedly part of the history of coffee and even today it has these signs presents. You just have to go “downtown” and see the movement of coffee brokers on the famous Rua XV de Novembro, the coffee companies still present and the Bolsa do Café which is a tourist spot in the city. Coffee and the city of Santos, are side by side.